Transforming the Energy Sector: Notes for Attendees
Resources from Transforming the Energy Sector Workshop, September 2016
1) Report – Energy Democracy: From ideas to practice
A report back of key topics discussed on the day, by James Angel.
You can also find the report back from the seminar in Amsterdam, February 2016 – “Towards Energy Democracy”, here.
2) Slides
Here is a link to a google file with presentations on:
– Energy Democracy: What is it and why do we need it? (David Powell, New Economics Foundation)
– What should be the left’s strategy for energy? (David Hall, Greewich Uni)
– Between community and local authority energy initiatives in Bristol (Emilia Melville, Burohappol Engineering)
– How to build social forces, how to build alliances (Molly Walsh, Friends of the Earth Europe)
– How to build social forces and the story of Network for Energy Sovereignty, Barcelona (Maria Campuzano, Xarca per la sobirania energetica)
3) Staying in touch
Here is the session agenda which includes a list of participants in the session and their background/organisation. You can find the corresponding email address in the email chain.
If you would like to join the UK list for energy democracy or follow discussion in this group, visit the Google group here and click join or apply to join.
If you would like to be added ot the global energy democracy list, ask Satoko to add you – [email protected]
4) Further reading/resources
Some reports, videos etc that may come in useful. Please feel free to suggest more to be added to the list – [email protected]
Towards a just energy system, campaign briefing, Global Justice Now
Rays of hope, from the “Exploring Alternatives” booklet series b y Global Justice Now
Towards Energy Democracy – Video from the last forum by TNI
Defining Energy Sovereignty – paper by Xarca per la sobirania energetica
Is Bigger best in renewable energy? – Paper by ILSR