Nick Dearden, Director
Nick has been the director of Global Justice Now since 2013, and a campaigner against corporate globalisation and for global economic justice for over 20 years. He was a leading voice in the UK and European movement against the now‑abandoned EU‑US trade deal (TTIP), and subsequently against the US-UK trade deal, about which he wrote a short book, Trade Secrets. He regularly contributes political analysis to publications including The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Open Democracy, Red Pepper and Soundings journal.
As director, Nick manages the staff team and resources on behalf of Global Justice Now’s members, as well as playing a leading role in our campaigns. Nick started his career at War on Want, and went on to be corporates campaign manager at Amnesty International UK, and then director of Jubilee Debt Campaign (now Debt Justice), where he built strong relationships with campaigners in the global south. His book, Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health, was published by Verso in 2023.