What’s wrong with the Pacific trade deal?

What’s wrong with the Pacific trade deal?

Type: Campaign briefings
Date: 30 March 2023
Campaigns: Climate, Trade

The UK government has just signed an agreement to join the Pacific trade deal (CPTPP). That’s bad news for the climate, for food standards, for democracy and for global inequality.

This briefing outlines the risks around corporate courts, food standards, deforestation and more, all for no gain in terms of jobs or growth.

Joining the Pacific trade deal will hand over even more power to fossil fuel giants and big business. It will deepen the inequalities of hyper-globalisation, hurt farmers and make it harder to tackle the climate crisis. Instead, the UK should be channelling the creative potential of trade and investment to support decent jobs, local economic benefits and shared prosperity, not joining the stagnant and high risk Pacific trade deal.

Download: What's wrong with the Pacific trade deal?