Giving away control?
Type: Campaign briefings
Date: 28 June 2017
Campaigns: Trade
How Brexit will make UK trade deals less democratic and what to do about it
If the UK starts making its own trade deals, parliament will have no say in starting, negotiating, amending or signing them. MPs are only asked to ratify the deal at the very last moment, and the process is a formality that does not enable MPs to outright reject a deal. This is the only control that parliament currently has over trade deals, including any future trade deal with the EU.
The people have no voice either. There is no mechanism for open public consultation on trade deals and the potential for public debate is hampered by secrecy.
Trade has a profound effect on almost all aspects of daily life – from health, to jobs, to education, to the environment and climate, to ending poverty and inequality. This makes trade rules everybody’s business.
If we are to see trade work for people and not just big business, we have to ensure that the way deals are struck and policy is agreed is open, honest and democratic
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