Why we need a Fossil Fuel Treaty – Scotland briefing
Type: Campaign briefings
Date: 25 May 2023
Campaigns: Climate
The call for fossil fuel companies such as Shell and BP to pay reparations for the damage they’ve done to the climate and the losses they’ve caused, particularly in the global south, is getting louder. It’s absolutely right to make the polluters pay, but it’s now also time to end the fossil fuel era completely and to take away the power of those corporations who have made vast profits while fuelling the climate emergency.
That’s where an international treaty to phase out fossil fuel extraction comes in. The treaty, negotiated by governments, would be complimentary to the international process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions negotiated annually at UN climate summits. It would focus on the rapid phase out of fossil fuel extraction and production globally.
Read this briefing to find out more about the proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and why its important we campaign in Scotland for the Scottish government to endorse the proposed treaty.