TTIP and CETA update for Scottish activists – October 2016

TTIP and CETA update for Scottish activists – October 2016

Type: Campaign briefings
Date: 11 October 2016
Campaigns: Trade

Welcome to October’s update. As the European-wide ‘Autumn of Action’ on CETA (EU-Canada trade deal) begins, this activist update gives you more details about the stop CETA rally outside the SNP conference. We are also asking campaigners in Scotland to send action cards or take part in our online action to our Scottish MEPs urging them to vote against CETA when they have the opportunity to do so early next year. We’ve also got the latest news on TISA – the super-privatisation deal that the UK wants to sign up to, as well as all the latest on the CETA process, and the best articles and blog posts.

We’ve only got a few months to stop CETA – let’s work together to consign this trade deal to the history books!

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