CETA update for Scottish activists – November 2016

CETA update for Scottish activists – November 2016

Type: Campaign briefings
Date: 3 November 2016
Campaigns: Trade

Welcome to November’s update.

CETA is back from the dead. Last month we held our breath as Wallonia, one of Belgium’s regional parliaments, was able to block the trade deal from being agreed by the EU Council of Ministers. But Wallonia has been appeased for now at least, and so the trade deal moves to the European parliament for further consideration and a vote forecast for February next year. So now it is essential we turn all our efforts to our six Scottish MEPs and urge them to reject the deal.

Read on for some ideas on how you might help turn up the pressure, and for further details of concessions that Wallonian and German campaigners have won for us, that will help us send this crazy zombie trade deal back to the grave.

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