WDM takes the Treasury to court over RBS

WDM takes the Treasury to court over RBS

Date: 20 October 2009

On Tuesday an unprecedented legal battle took place in the High Court over the Treasury’s failure to stop the publicly owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) investing in what campaigners describe as ‘some of the most environmentally damaging and socially irresponsible projects and companies around.’

Royal Court of Justice


High Court decision: Treasury can ignore climate change and human rights in RBS’ investments

Today’s oral hearing will determine whether their claim can proceed to a full substantive hearing, likely to take place early next year. The Treasury has hired one of its top barristers, James Eadie QC, to handle the case.

This is a classic David and Goliath battle. But we believe we have a strong case. The Treasury’s decision to allow RBS to continue to invest in companies that exacerbate climate change and are linked to human rights abuses is unlawful, immoral and undemocratic. Hopefully, this case will be a pivotal point in ending RBS’ destructive lending habits that go against the interests of UK taxpayers, the climate and people whose human rights are being violated.

Updates will be posted on twitter as soon as we know the outcome

Read the full press release

Take action:

Sign our joint petition with People & Planet, PLATFORM and 38 Degrees to ask Alistair Dalring to clean up the bailed-out banks