Use our ‘subvertised’ Rio+20 logos!

Use our ‘subvertised’ Rio+20 logos!

Date: 29 May 2012

The Rio+20 conference on sustainable development taking place at the end of June 2012 bills itself as an opportunity for people to come together to “shape how we can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection”. Sounds great, but here at the World Development Movement we’re a bit sceptical about some of these claims (to say the least). I suspect some of you are too. 

As we’ve shown in our recent work on the green economy, the “sustainable development” agenda that is likely to be agreed at Rio+20 actually looks more like a ‘Trojan horse for bankers’ than true economic and environmental justice. 

So we had some fun with the Rio+20 logo to make it better reflect that. Feel free to use these wherever you want. (To download them, just right-click and choose ‘save as’).

Rio+20: Selling off the world's land, air and water to the financial industry


Rio+20: Selling off the commons to the highest bidder


Rio+20: Hiding more privatisation by using green language


Rio+20: Handing over the global commons to the financial sector