Trump visit to UK will face mass opposition, say campaigners

Trump visit to UK will face mass opposition, say campaigners

Date: 11 October 2017

Responding to reports that Donald Trump will make a ‘working visit’ to the UK in the New Year, Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now said:

“If the Trump visit is back on, so is the mass opposition to it. Theresa May may be hoping that the heat has died down, but she must prepare to be disappointed. Every day that Trump remains President, the opposition to his politics of hate and prejudice is only getting stronger. Whether the location of this ‘working visit’ is the heart of Downing Street or a golf resort in Scotland, we will be there.

It is no surprise that the UK government should be making overtures to Trump just after a trade spat with the US has potentially put 4,000 jobs at Bombardier at risk. But if a meeting with the Queen is the only card Theresa May has to play when trading with Trump, we are in for a long Brexit winter.

The fact that the government still doesn’t dare to schedule the full state visit is a sign of the strength of opposition to Trump in the UK. The state visit should never have been offered, and with reports that Trump doesn’t want to come if he will face protests, it may well never happen.”

Global Justice Now is a member of the Stop Trump Coalition.