Theresa May using aid money to control migration from Africa – Global Justice Now response

Theresa May using aid money to control migration from Africa – Global Justice Now response

Date: 21 September 2016

Yesterday Theresa May’s announced that she will use £100 million of UK aid money on controlling immigration from Africa, among other things to encouraging refugees to return to Somalia. In response Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now, said:
“It’s outrageous that Theresa May is using money which should be destined for some of the world’s poorest communities and using it to prop up her populist policies. At the UN summit this week, Theresa May also announced the UK will not turn its back to the world after Brexit, but taking our aid money and using it to further xenophobic policies is doing just that.
“There’s currently a very real threat of famine in Somalia, with an estimated five million people already going hungry. Making refugees return to a country with acute food shortages is a far cry from helping those most in need. Aid should be about helping countries to build decent public services that can create resilience to the humanitarian crises we see today.”