Support for the Occupy movement

Support for the Occupy movement

Date: 6 December 2011

The World Development Movement strongly supports the Occupy movement that has emerged over the last few months. This movement has evolved as a deep felt response to a highly unjust global economic system which keeps people trapped in poverty, in both rich and poor countries. It is this very injustice which WDM has been fighting for over forty years; tackling the root causes of poverty which are perpetuated by governments and corporations alike.

We believe that “the current system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust. We need alternatives” as stated in the Occupy LSX’s initial statement. We recognise the importance of a vigorous, diverse grassroots movement to resist the neo-liberal policies which have been forced on countries in the global south for decades and we now see being visited on our own country through unnecessary and unjust cuts to public services.

As a democratic organisation, we value and admire the inclusive process begun by the Occupy movement to resist, and to seek alternatives to, an economic system which fails the 99%. The presence of Occupy activists in numerous cities is an inspiring and important part of the global justice movement which must continue to grow in strength and diversity if we are to achieve the changes necessary for a more equal world.

Two people hold a banner outside that reads "Climate justice for the 99%"