REACTION: UK government considering withdrawal from Energy Charter Treaty
Date: 1 September 2023
Campaigns: Trade
Cleodie Rickard, trade campaign manager at Global Justice Now said:
“It is welcome to hear the UK is finally willing to review its membership of the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty. But putting off the decision until November looks like an attempt to keep the UK sitting on the fence when MPs are about to try and push them off it through an amendment to the Energy Bill next week.
The reform process to this treaty has failed – 11 countries are voting with their feet and exiting, meaning there is not enough support to get the so-called modernisation through. Leaving the Energy Charter Treaty is a necessary step to stop fossil fuel companies raising the costs of the green transition across Europe and beyond. Rather than more dither and delay, the UK should be joining a co-ordinated withdrawal now to maximise the benefits of leaving this damaging deal.”