Key TTIP vote postponed by the European Parliament at the last minute
Date: 9 June 2015
An important vote on TTIP at the plenary session of the European Parliament that was expected to take place on Wednesday morning was delayed at the last minute. The reason that was cited was that there was such a large number of amendments to the proposal that MEPs needed more time to consider it.
Responding to the news, Nick Dearden, the director of Global Justice Now said:
“The TTIP vote being postponed as a result of the large number of amendments reflects just how controversial and contested this toxic trade deal has become. Despite being under enormous pressure from corporate lobbyists, MEPs know that the people of Europe do not want the introduction of secret corporate courts and do want to protect vital public services as well as environmental and labour regulations.”
On Monday the European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop TTIP” reached a new record number of signatures two days ahead of a critical vote on TTIP in the European parliament. With two million signatories, this is the largest European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) since the introduction of the instrument in 2012, even though the EU Commission has tried to block it.
>>> Keep up the pressure – tell your MEPs to oppose ISDS in TTIP