Our promise to you

Our promise to you

We believe the only way to fundamentally change our unjust global economy is by building a large, informed and diverse movement. Our campaigns are only possible because of our members, supporters and activists. So we are committed to being fully transparent and accountable to all of you. This is our promise to you who are part of Global Justice Now, helping make a more just world possible.



To effectively challenge the powerful and freely speak out against injustice, it is vital we stay independent. Thanks to our supporters, over two thirds of our income comes from individuals. Your donation is made to make lasting change, so we promise to spend as much of it as possible on our campaigns. In 2022, 74% of our spending went towards our campaigns, helping to further our work to put power and resources into the hands of the many, not the few.

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and accept its code of practice to make sure our fundraising is ethical and legal. Our own ethical fundraising policy also backs up our fundraising, making sure all our work is in line with our values.

We contact our members, supporters and activists through a combination of mail, email and telephone, with updates on our campaigns and opportunities to support our work. We want to make sure that we communicate with you in the way that suits you best. That’s why we offer you the chance to opt out of any one of these communication routes when you first take action with us and to update your preferences via email or phone if you change your mind. And you can also use the link at the bottom of every email we send to unsubscribe from our emails.

If you simply want to receive fewer mailings or emails from us, we make that possible too with our range of subscription options. This means we can tailor our communications to your interests; please contact us to find out more about the services we offer.

If you change your communications preferences, we will process your request within ten working days. However, because of long lead-in times with our mailings and telephone calling, this change may take up to two months to take effect. We promise to never mail or call you if you ask us not to, and we will only email you if you tell us you are happy to be contacted in this way. We do not swap your information and never will do unless you tell us you are happy for us to do so. You can read more about this in our privacy policy.

Communicating with our supporters by phone means we can have individual, unique, two-way conversations with you about our campaigns, how you’re furthering them, and other ways you can support our work if you are able. When we’re not calling you from the office, we work with a small, Bristol-based company called Ethicall, which specialises in charity calling and won the Most Ethical Company Award at the 2016 Better Society Awards. We work closely with Ethicall to make sure their callers meet our standards and have a clear understanding of Global Justice Now.

Global Justice Now would not exist without our members, supporters and activists. By taking action, raising awareness and donating, you are instrumental in pushing our campaigns forward.

As a democratic movement, we will give you opportunities to influence the direction of our campaigns through surveys. And if you are a member, you can be even more involved with our democracy by either standing for a seat on our council or electing the nominees. You can also influence the future of our movement by voting at our annual general meeting.

We want to make sure that you are getting the best service from us. If you contact us with a question or a request, we will take your point seriously and aim to follow it up within 10 working days. If you make a complaint, we will treat it confidentially. We promise to acknowledge your complaint within 10 working days and aim to resolve it in that time too. Details about how to complain are here. If you are not happy with our response, you can also take it further by contacting the Fundraising Regulator.

We treat all personal information with confidence in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR is important EU data protection law that was introduced in 2018, and is designed to give citizens better control of their data and the communications they receive.

Here at Global Justice Now we saw this as a great opportunity to improve our systems and how we communicate with our supporters. We respect your right to privacy and confidentiality, securely storing any information that you may give us offline or online. We also respect your right to know what information about you that we hold, and are happy to send this to you, please contact us to find out more about this service.

We may share your details with carefully selected agencies, like mailing houses, in order to deliver our communications when we do not have the resources to do so in-house. Your details will always be treated securely and will only be used for the purpose of the service. If you’d like to find out more, please see our full privacy policy.

Where your money goes

For every pound you give us, about 74p will go directly to our campaigns. We want to make really big changes in the world. This won’t happen overnight; it will be made up of thousands of little steps – steps we can take thanks to the support of our donors. Your money helps us:

  • Carry out in-depth research that exposes injustice, builds the case for the alternative and helps get our voice in the media- raising public awareness so that decision-makers can’t ignore our demands.
  • Connect people fighting the corporate takeover of their resources around the world, and to amplify their voices here in the UK, such as by bringing inspirational campaigners to the UK to speak with thousands of activists.
  • Forge a community for change here in the UK. That might be by helping our activists learn the skills they need to build a wider movement capable of successfully confronting power and changing our world.

Of the remaining 26p, 24p is invested in raising the next £1, to ensure we can go on fighting injustice into the future. The remaining 1p goes on the costs of keeping our democratic structure functioning (what we call ‘governance’).

You can read even more about what your donation helps us achieve in our latest Impact Report.

How we're funded

At Global Justice Now we’re proud to be outspoken. We take on issues that others are afraid to touch and we don’t make compromises.

To do this we need to be independent, so we refuse funding from anyone who might force us to water down our campaigns. This means the majority of our funds – around two thirds – come from passionate and dedicated individuals. People like you. With our members and supporters behind us, our campaigns have legitimacy, and our call for justice is stronger.

We are also grateful for grants and donations from carefully selected trusts and foundations, and a number of faith based organisations, which contribute around a third of our income.

Where our funds come from

The exact funds that we receive vary slightly from year to year. You can view the latest funding breakdown here.