Affiliate your organisation
Global Justice Now campaigns for a global economy – and a planet – where people are valued over profit. It’s a principle we share with many other progressive organisations, and we often work in coalition on particular campaigns, events and issues. However, some organisations also choose to affiliate to us.
We’re proud to have trade unions NEU and PCS among our affiliates.
Affiliation is a bit like membership, but for UK-based organisations. Our affiliates include trade unions at national, regional and branch level, church dioceses, branches of political parties, Justice and Peace groups, and other local organisations which, for instance, work on related issues but not primarily with an international focus.
Affiliates pay an annual affiliation fee, which supports our work, and get a vote at our AGM and in council elections. We can provide affiliates with speakers, articles for newsletters, or campaigns and educational materials for your members.
By affiliating to Global Justice Now, you’re not only supporting our campaigning and activism, but connecting to a whole global movement of social and economic justice organisations of which we’re part.
Affiliation rates
Local £35
National or regional, up to 10,000 members £100
10,000 to 50,000 members £250
50,000 plus members £500
How to affiliate
If your organisation works through formal motions, you could use the model motion of affiliation below. Once affiliation is agreed, you can use our online form to set up a direct debit or card payment, or download the PDF below, which can be filled in electronically and emailed to us, or printed and posted back.
If you’re interested in working with us on one of our campaigns, email [email protected]. In addition to local Global Justice Now groups, our activist network includes other local groups who we work with.
If you’re an individual who wants to support our work, you can join as a member.