What does ‘open borders’ actually mean?
When: September 18, 2017
Open borders- it’s a phrase we’re hearing used by the left and attacked by the right more and more but what does it actually mean? How would open borders actually work and what would be the result? Is it a realistic demand? What do we have to do before open borders could be a reality? Can we have open borders for people and not for capital?
Come along to this free event to hear from our three speakers:
- Lena Karamanidou, visiting fellow at the School of Business and Society, Glasgow Caledonian University. Her PhD was on the of asylum policies in Greece and Ireland.
- Nick Dearden, Director of Global Justice Now
- Ellie Rea, Docs not Cops. An organisation who believe that health care is a human right and that no one should be afraid to go to the doctor, either because they can’t pay or might be punished.
Then join in conversations and questions facilitated by Edinburgh Active Citizenship Group (https://edinburghactivecitizens.wordpress.com/)
By the end of the event hopefully we’ll have started to develop a collective understanding of what open borders means and how we could get there.