Web of resistance: Building connections in a fractured world
When: February 22, 2020
When: Saturday 22 February, 11am-5pm (doors at 10:30)
Where: Glasgow Autonomous Space (GAS), 53 Kilbirnie St, Glasgow G5 8JD
A free day-long event, with workshops, panel discussion and network building
In an increasingly divided political landscape, how do we create connections between issues, between campaigns, and between people?
Whether you’ve been campaigning with Global Justice Now for years or you’re only just finding out about us, join activists from across Scotland at the Glasgow Autonomous Space for a full day of workshops, discussion and network building. Whether you want to discuss movement-building and creating effective collaborations, learn more about what Global Justice and other organisations across the country are doing, or understand what connects issues as wide-ranging as Brexit, climate chaos, the Hostile Environment and the exploitation of Africa, we’re here to help you connect the dots.
Lunch will be provided for a small donation on the day.