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We Rise Manchester
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We Rise Manchester


When: 1:30 pm, January 21, 2023
Where: Bridge 5 Mill (formerly MERCi), 22A Beswick Street, Manchester, M4 7HR View on map
Campaigns: Climate, Migration, Pharma, Youth

Join the national gathering of our youth network (under 30s). We Rise is a free event for young people new and old to activism.

Register for your FREE place

We will be joined by some incredible speakers and performers:

❤️ Nadia Whittome MP

🌊  Farzana Faruk Jhumu Bangladeshi Youth climate justice activist

Ammar Ali Jan Pakistan Progressive Student Caucus

🌍  Ashish Ghadiali Wretched of the Earth

🍄 Maymana Arefin @fungi.futures

⚧️ Melany Cruz Chilean Feminist

🖤 Liverpool anti-raids

🎤Shareefa Energy poet, activist and author of Galaxy Walk

… and more speakers + performers to be announced!

As the international cost of living crisis worsens and climate change intensifies, corporations are making record-breaking profits. Whether it’s fossil fuel billionaires, big banks or tech giants, their interests are a threat to the 99%. But around the world people are taking to the streets, challenging corporations and governments and successfully creating alternatives!

Join us for We Rise to learn more about this fight for global justice. Together we’ll unpack how colonialism, capitalism, hostile border regimes, and corporate power have created vast inequality, and how we organise to end it. There are many ways to get involved in activism, from protesting to writing articles to making art! Come see what interests you and meet like-minded people. United the many small steps we take can build a radically new world.

Sessions will include

  • Capitalism, colonialism and climate reparations: Justice for the Global South!
  • Creatively writing a future without prisons
  • Border Justice: stopping deportations and immigration raids
  • Health not Wealth: why we need a new pharmaceuticals system
  • Is Latin America turning left?
  • Activism 101

Download: full We Rise programme

Travel subsidy policy:

Travel subsidies are available for those from outside Manchester.

If you’re under 30 Global Justice Now will pay 50% of your fare, if your fare is £100 or less. With a minimum of a £10 personal contribution.

Subsidies are available on a first come first serve basis, so please book your tickets and request a subsidy as soon as you can. We also encourage people to use a rail card if you can. Where possible, we also ask that you take the cheaper travel route if you are able to. The lower we keep costs; the more people we can support!

We will refund you via bank transfers. You will need to send us your receipt and bank details (name, sort code + account number) by email.

Leelou will be in charge of organising travel subsidies, so contact them directly to send this information and if you have any questions (depending on circumstance we may be able to offer more support) 😊 [email protected]


The venue is wheelchair accessible, there is a ramp at the main entrance and a lift inside the building to get to all floors. There are also two sets of accessible toilets and gender neutral toilets. We will also have a Welfare Officer present all day, they will ware a label so you can find them. We can provide more detailed information about the venue accessibility, just send any enquiries to [email protected]

Please also read our Intentional Spaces Policy before you join us:

Bridge 5 Mill (formerly MERCi)
22A Beswick Street
M4 7HR