‘The far right ate our lunch’: Walden Bello discusses populism, the far right and climate justice

‘The far right ate our lunch’: Walden Bello discusses populism, the far right and climate justice


When: October 2, 2019

Appleton Tower, Edinburgh University, EH8 9LE

7pm – 9pm

Walden Bello, sociologist, retired Filipino congressman, and leading light of the anti-globalisation movement has a new book out: ‘Counter-revolution and the rise of the far right’. Come and hear him speak aabout the rise of the populist right across the world, and the co-opting of antiglobalist movements. In contrast to the success of the far right, seizing power around the world; across Europe there is a newly energised and expanding mass movement for climate justice. How should it respond to the challenge the far right presents? Can this popular movement continue to increase in momentum whilst resisting global Trumpism?

Come and join the discussion at this free event, part of the Edinburgh World Justice Festival