TTIP debate in the City of London

TTIP debate in the City of London


When: September 16, 2015

6:05pm at St Mary-le-Bow Church, Cheapside, London EC2V 6AU

Global Justice Now and Just Share present a debate exploring both sides of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement.

TTIP is a controversial proposed free trade and investment treaty currently being agreed between the European Union and the United States. Proponents say the treaty will result in multilateral economic growth, create millions of new jobs, and strengthen EU/US global competitiveness by reducing trade barriers. But a large number of organisations have voiced opposition to TTIP, ranging from the British Medical Association to the Green Party and many in between. They question the models that predict economic growth if TTIP goes through, and say that TTIP will lead to lower standards and regulations that currently protect public health, the environment and workers’ rights, and give too much power to multinational corporations.

This debate aims to educate the public on an agreement with which few are familiar but for many will be life changing. What effect will this have on the average person, the City, and the developing world?

Pro TTIP: Jacqueline Minor, 
Head of Representation for the European Commission

Moderator: Martin Vander Weyer, 
Business Editor of The Spectator

Against TTIP: Polly Jones, 
Head of Policy and Campaigns at Global Justice Now and member of the Trade Justice Movement

 Registration is essential. Please book your free ticket to secure a place