TTIP and CETA: why they threaten much more than Scottish public services

TTIP and CETA: why they threaten much more than Scottish public services


When: March 12, 2016

Transatlantic trade agreements TTIP (between the US and the EU) and CETA (between Canada and the EU) are much more than just trade deals.  Both are part of a new wave of deals set to hand power to multinational corporations while taking it away from governments and the public. Both present a threat to public services. But they also threaten hard won protection for the environment and workers, efforts to stop fracking, and the profits of small businesses, which are central to the Scottish economy.  As we approach the EU referendum, TTIP and CETA demonstrate why we must resist corporate capture if the European Union and our national governments are to be able to take democratic decisions in the interests of the public and the environment.


Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP, SNP spokesperson on trade and investment
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, founder and CEO of Business for Scotland
Polly Jones, head of policy and campaigns, Global Justice Now

Chair:  Kathleen Nutt, The National

Time:  13:00 – 14:00

Place:  Boisdale B, Ground Floor, SECC Glasgow

Entrance only available with a conference pass