Global Justice Now national gathering

Global Justice Now national gathering


When: June 10, 2017

2pm-6pm, Saturday 10 June
Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QY

Speakers include: Juliette Rousseau ATTAC France • Nick Dearden Global Justice Now • Dorothy Guerrero Filippino activist / Global Justice Now head of policy • Wail Qasim Black Lives Matter UK • Asad Rehman War on Want • Marina Prentoulis Another Europe is Possible

Reserve your place now

Elected on an explicitly racist agenda, Donald Trump is already fulfilling his hard right pledges, while appointing climate change deniers and corporate CEOs to his cabinet. Thankfully his presidency is already provoking significant resistance. Yet his poisonous brand of nationalist populism is growing elsewhere too. In France fascist Marine Le Pen reached the second round of the presidential election. In the Philippines, recently elected president Rodrigo Duterte encourages the extra-judicial killing of drug users and plans to reinstate the death penalty, while the Hindu chauvinist prime minister Narendra Modi is tightening his grip on power in India.

Is this the outcome of 40 years of growing inequality under globalisation? And what can progressives and social movements do to resist the populist right and build real alternatives? Join us to discuss the political situation in the UK after the election and the fight for global justice in the age of Trumpism.

Register now for this free event

The event also includes workshops on opposing the post-Brexit UK-US trade deal (or ‘TTIP on steroids’), defending migrant rights, and fighting corporate power in the age of Trumpism.

Our national gathering

This public conference, combined with our annual general meeting (AGM) and activist discussion forum in the morning, comprises Global Justice Now’s full 2017 national gathering. The AGM and activist forum starts at 10am, and lunch will be available for those coming for the whole day.

Further details of the AGM can be found on the 2017 AGM page.

How to get there