Trade for a fairer future

Trade for a fairer future


When: September 18, 2016


Where:  Glasgow CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD

When:  Sunday September 18, 6pm – 7.30pm

What:  free workshop, all welcome.
Click here to book your free place.


Even with the prospect of Brexit, the UK won’t be immune to the effects of the new wave of free trade deals, such as TTIP, that are handing more power than ever to big business and are being hailed as the new ‘gold standard’ for trade deals around the world. In fact, the UK government looks set to try and negotiate its own free trade deals that some are describing as ‘TTIP on steroids’.

But if we don’t want these mega trade deals, what kind of trading system do we want? 

This is a workshop for anyone who wants to help stop the new wave of mega trade deals like TTIP and CETA and, just as importantly, to explore the alternatives.  Come along and hear from seasoned trade campaigners about how far we’ve come in beating TTIP, what we still need to do to stop CETA, and what a fairer, more just trading system could look like.  The workshop will be led by Ruth Bergan, co-ordinator of the Trade Justice Movement, and Global Justice Now’s director Nick Dearden.

The workshop is a fringe event in the Take One Action film festival.  Global Justice Now is supporting screenings of the film ‘When Two Worlds Collide’ whose themes link with this workshop.  The film is a vivid depiction of the clash between indigenous Peruvian minorities and government interests bent on “opening up” protected tribal lands to multinational-corporation mining, drilling and clear-cutting under the auspices of its free trade agreement with the US.  The film will be screening at the Glasgow Film Theatre  at 2.45pm on Sunday 18 September.  It’ll finish in plenty of time to get to the CCA for our ‘Trade for a fairer future’ workshop.  The film will also be showing at the Edinburgh Film House at 8.35pm on Monday 19 September.  Both film screenings will include audience and panel discussion with Dr Patricia Oliart of the UK Peru Support Group, Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now and Ruth Bergan of the Trade Justice Movement.

After the workshop young people (ages 16-28)  are invited to head along to Yates bar where there will be an informal youth gathering. Here people can get some food and drinks while getting to know each other and discussing what a Global Justice Now youth network could look like and what they are most interested in getting involved in.