Time to Act on Climate Change conference

Time to Act on Climate Change conference


When: October 10, 2015

Despite worsening news about climate change, little is being done. As the world warms, and millions of peoples lives are threatened, politicians continue to prevaricate. Britain’s Tory government is more interested in helping its friends in the fracking industry, undermining renewable energy policy, promoting airport and road expansion and cutting budgets for home insulation schemes then action on climate.

In December, world leaders will meet in Paris to discuss international action on climate. As they meet mass protests and direct action will take place in cities across the world, culminating in an international event in Paris itself.

This Manchester conference will examine climate politics in the run up to Paris. We’ll discuss how climate change will impact upon people through inequality, refugees and racism. We will look at what can be done, and the alternatives to austerity and climate chaos such as One Million Climate Jobs.

Groups involved include Global Justice Now, War on Want, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, trade unions and other local groups. We want a bigger, stronger and more united environmental movement.

Come and join this discussion, which takes place after the People’s Assembly’s week of Action at the Tory Party conference in Manchester.

Speakers include:

  • Chris Baugh, deputy general secretary PCS
  • Manuel Cortes, general secretary TSSA
  • Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now
  • Martin Empson, Campaign Against Climate Change
  • John Hilary, War on Want
  • George Marshall, COIN
  • Kate Pickett, author “The Spirit Level”
  • Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth
  • Rachel Thompson, Reclaim the Power

Workshops include: Migration, Racism & Inequality; Why Don’t they Act?; Energy Policies and Alternatives; Global Trade, TTIP and economic systems; Finance and Divestment Campaigns; Transport Policies and Alternatives.

When: 10am – 4.30pm, Saturday 10th October
Where: Methodist Central Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester