The Struggle for climate justice and the Paris COP
When: May 3, 2016
According to UN general secretary Ban Ki-Moon, the Paris Agreement was a ‘monumental triumph for people and our planet, setting the stage for ending poverty, and a life of dignity and opportunity for all.”
But was this really the consensus of the Summit?
Nicaraguan chief climate negotiator – Dr Paul Oquist
Global Justice Now’s director – Nick Dearden
Find out why Nicaragua refuses to be complicit in an Agreement that ‘will cause a three degree temperature rise and catastrophic deaths, losses, and destruction’ especially in impoverished countries.
How can developing countries and social movements mobilise to instil a greater sense of urgency and ambition on the part of the largest polluters?
Organised by Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, Global Justice Now, and the Embassy of Nicaragua.
Join the event:
Tues 3rd May 2016
18.30 – 20.30
Unite the Union,128 Theobalds Rd, Holborn, London , WC1X
Organised by Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign