Scottish activist gathering

Scottish activist gathering


When: April 21, 2018

Quaker Meeting House, Edinburgh EH1 2JL
10am – 5pm

Global Justice Now Scotland’s spring activist gathering is for local groups, members and anyone who is interested in finding out more about what we do and taking action for social justice with us.

In the morning spend time meeting with and learning from fellow activists and Global Justice Now groups, with updates and introductions to our trade and pharmaceutical campaigns. This will be followed by some insights and practical tips for using the media, social media and videos effectively. 

In the afternoon we’re holding a workshop on the Scottish climate bill and are delighted to welcome Clare Hymer from Novara Media who will talk about why you can’t just be an environmentalist, the human side of climate change and how this all fits into the bigger need for system change. We’ll then be wrapping up the day with a workshop with more detail on how to respond to and lobby around the climate bill in Scotland before heading to the pub.

You can book to attend the whole day, just the morning or just the afternoon here

A draft format for the day is as follows:

10:00 – 10:30 tea and coffee in foyer

10:30  – 10:40 Welcome

10:40 – 11:10  Group updates
What the local groups have been doing over the past year, their successes and challenges

11:10 – 12:00 Campaign Workshops
Trade Democracy update & planning session
Pharma update & planning session

Plus feedback

12:00– 12:10 Break

12:10 – 12:30  Open space sessions

12:30 – 1:00 The Importance of social medial & the media & how to use them effectively
Clare Hymer from Novara Media will talk about the changing nature of media today, why it is are important for social change and share some top tips for using them effectively.

1 – 1:30 Getting practical – media, social media & video making training
Practical session where you can learn more about how to use these sessions or ask any questions.

1:30 – 2:30 Lunch
Lunch will be provided but we ask for a donation to help cover costs.

2:30 – 3:30 Clare Hymer, Climate change, environmentalism & the bigger picture
Clare Hymer from Novara Media will talk about why you can’t just be an environmentalist, the human side of climate change and how this all fits into the bigger need for system change.

3:30 – 5:00 climate bill workshop

5:00 – Close & Pub