Public meeting: ‘Beyond Fair Trade – Stopping Corporate Exploitation’

Public meeting: ‘Beyond Fair Trade – Stopping Corporate Exploitation’


When: March 9, 2016

Organised by Global Justice Reading.

Join activist and campaigner Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now, for a discussion about the new generation of international trade deals – TTIP, CETA and TISA – that threaten to dramatically reshape the global economy in the interest of big corporations. We’ll discuss the nature of these trade deals, the latest developments around them, and the worldwide campaigns to stop them in their tracks.

The discussion will be followed by a delicious light buffet – so it will be an evening not to be missed!

Venue: RISC, 35 – 59 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS.

7.30pm, Wednesday 9 March

You can get more information from Jackie Oversby, Global Justice Reading coordinator, on 07745 310794