Organising for a Fossil Fuel Treaty

Organising for a Fossil Fuel Treaty


When: January 29, 2024 to February 8, 2024
Campaigns: Climate

Following on from our campaign launch, we’re running three online organising meetings:

  • Scotland: Monday 29 January, 7pm [sign up]
  • Wales: Wednesday 31 January, 7pm [sign up]
  • England and Northern Ireland: Thursday 8 February, 6pm [sign up]

The Scotland and Wales meetings will have a particular focus on how we get the Scottish and Welsh governments to endorse the treaty, and all three meetings will:

  • Connect people in specific areas with each other and think about which MPs and other politicians it is useful and possible for us to influence.
  • Consider what local councils it might be possible to win the support of – a few cities have already endorsed the treaty, but not many.
  • Ensure all your questions about the treaty and the campaign are answered.
  • Discuss tactics we can use to create local pressure for a Fossil Fuel Treaty.
  • Think about what further resources it might be helpful for Global Justice Now to produce to assist campaigning.

No previous experience of local campaigning is necessary. Come along for a friendly meeting and an opportunity to make a difference.

Why a Fossil Fuel Treaty? 

While the UN climate conference declaration talked about the need to “transition away from fossil fuels”, the final text was littered with loopholes. Yet the conference also saw a parallel effort gain traction, with fossil fuel producer Colombia becoming the latest country to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. With so much money and so many vested interests involved, winning the end of the fossil fuel era isn’t going to be easy, but there’s no way out of the accelerating climate crisis without it. The international campaign for a Fossil Fuel Treaty is naming the problem and building momentum towards a global exit plan from fossil fuels which is both rapid and fair.