What does ‘open borders’ actually mean?
When: May 22, 2018
7 – 9:30 pm, Tuesday 22 May
Mcleod Hall, The Pearce Institute, Govan Rd, Glasgow G51 3UU
With the Windrush scandal and Theresa May’s shameful anti-immigration policy being discussed and condemned across the country, it’s more important than ever that we’re discussing and proposing alternatives to our current border systems.
Open borders? Free movement? No borders? Sometime these phrases are used interchangeably, although they mean quite different things. We think it’s time we start to develop a collective understanding of what open borders means and how we could get there.
What does the phrase ‘open borders’ actually mean? How would open borders actually work? Is it a useful demand now? What do we have to do before open borders could be a reality? Can we have open borders for people and not for capital?
Following our successful run of this event in Edinburgh, we’re now bringing the conversation to Glasgow. Come along to this free event to hear these questions and more tackled by our three panellists:
- Debora Kayembe, human rights lawyer, on the Board of Directors for the Scottish Refugee Council, and represents refugee minorities for the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
- Aisha Dodwell, Global Justice Now campaigns and policy manager.
- Ben Wray, the new CommonSpace editor.
After the presentations there will be plenty of time for group discussions on the topic, with lots of space for you to air your opinions.
Let’s work together to develop a collective understanding of what open borders would mean, and how to get there.