National food sovereignty gathering

National food sovereignty gathering


When: October 23, 2015

When: 23 – 26 October

Since the last energising national gathering in 2012, the food sovereignty movement in the UK has grown with hundreds of projects thriving across the UK. It is time to gather again, share the amazing progress we have made over the past few years and plan perspectives for the future.

This is a call out for you to save the date and join us for four days of discussions, organising, skill sharing and action planning. All aimed at strengthening the movement for a democratic, sustainable and fair food system in the UK and globally.

To find out more and register your interest in coming along: click here

We are planning four days of discussions, organising, skill sharing and action planning aimed at strengthening the movement for a democratic, sustainable and fair food system in the UK and globally.

This event will be about planning the future of the movement for food sovereignty in the UK. We want to:

  • Celebrate the strengths of the food sovereignty movement
  • Build a community of friends and networks
  • Be inclusive to people who have not yet engaged with food sovereignty
  • Agree a set of targets and policies to focus on as movement
  • To create representative, diverse and fair structures with which we can make decisions with as a movement