The Green Lie: how to challenge corporate greenwashing

The Green Lie: how to challenge corporate greenwashing


When: September 17, 2018


We know we have to push back against corporate lies and manipulation, but how do we do it? As part of the Take One Action film festival, experienced activists share their different approaches – local, global, political and artistic.

This event is a companion to our two screenings of The Green Lie, in Glasgow on Saturday 15th September and in Edinburgh on Sunday 16th. In this tongue-in-cheek film, Austrian director Werner Boote and German author Kathrin Hartmann unpick some of the most prevalent ‘greenwashing’ myths at play today. They take viewers on a round-the-globe tour of corporate hypocrisy, to the sites of catastrophic environmental disasters and shocking land rights violations – all of which are harming humans, animals and the planet despite the glowing promises of effective self-regulation. Far from disempowering, however, this exposé of our limited choice as ethical consumers reminds us that our power as individuals does not lie in our wallets, but in our actions and behaviours as voters, citizens and members of our communities.

Our panel discussion and audience discussion on the 17th will respond to the issues put forward by the film, with our guest speakers picking up on the questions put forward by the film to identify clear, effective means of effecting change. As well as a unique chance to hear from Kathrin Hartmann on using film to raise awareness of alternatives to corporate power, we welcome Dorothy Guerrero (head of policy at Global Justice Now) to discuss the push for a UN charter protecting vulnerable nations and the environment from the excesses of corporate power, and Louise Giblin (SEPA Unison branch international officer) to share how local campaigns can apply pressure at a global level. We look forward to seeing you there, and to hearing your ideas and responses.

Find out more and book your free place on Facebook or Eventbrite.