Going Backwards on Climate Change march
When: May 8, 2016
Since May 2015 clean energy technology has been sidelined in favour of a dash for gas, susbsidies for clean energy have been cut (including the cut this week to solar thermal subsidy) and roads and runways have been pushed through despite strong local opposition. So what better way to mark the government’s one year anniversary than to march – backwards – down Whitehall?
Planned timetable:
12.00 Gather under Nelson’s Column
12.30 Hear from those directly impacted by flooding in the UK, including the family of seven-year-old Zane, tragically killed by toxic gas released from a flooded landfill site (King Charles statue, top of Whitehall)
12.45 Dismantling of our renewables industry! Find out what this means for jobs and community energy (speakers from Solar Trade Association and a London community energy project) (Corner of Whitehall Place)
12.50 Fracking: bad news for the climate (with support from Talk Fracking and young activists and their families from Lancashire)
13.05 Outside Downing Street, activists from Plane Stupid and HACAN will be reminding David Cameron of his personal pledge ‘No ifs, no buts, no third runway’ with crowd participation.
13.20 Unsustainable transport means we are breathing unsafe air! Families supporting ClientEarth’s legal action illustrate what this means for them (Opposite the Department of Health)
13.25 Cuts to warm home funding are wrecking lives and wrecking the climate. Hear from Fuel Poverty Action
13.40 At the Treasury entrance on King Charles Street, we end up at George Osborne’s department – responsible for so many of the ‘backwards steps’. Presentation of fossil fuel subsidies and messages from opencast coal campaigning in Wales.
Finally a positive message – it’s Time to Go Forwards! Speakers including Natalie Bennett (Green Party) and Asad Rehman (Friends of the Earth) with a send off from the Time to Cycle crew.