Global Justice Now at The World Transformed
When: September 21, 2019
From 21-24 September we’ll be in Brighton for The World Transformed, a four day politics, arts and music festival.
The World Transformed is about thinking big, imagining radical change and planning how to make it happen together. We’re running several sessions at the festival which we wanted to invite you along to.
Our sessions
Saturday 21 September
Fighting Global Fascism
5.30-7pm Friends Meeting House – meeting room
We will explore the roots of the new global far-right ‘surge’, what we can learn from the past, and how we defeat it. This involves looking at how these far right leaders achieve and secure their power, and how we can undermine their populist claims.
Learn from prominent activists resisting fascism in Brazil, Turkey, the US.
Sunday 22 September
Building a Movement that Supports Migrants
1-2.30pm Friends Meeting House – lecture room
We need a bold vision for challenging racism, exploitation and attacks against migrants.This event will launch a migration charter issued by migrant rights groups calling for an immigration policy based on justice, dignity and fairness, and will work with activists to discuss how they can bring this vision into being.
Empire 2.0: How do we end Britain’s destructive footprint on the world?
3-4.30pm The Old Market
This session gets to grips with the shape and scale of Empire 2.0: The nitty gritty of Britain’s role underpinning a fundamentally unjust global economy, focussing specifically on trade and corporate power.
Monday 23 September
Winning on an internationalist platform
11am-12.30pm Friends Meeting House – Lecture Room
Learn about how we can act globally, not just locally. In this session we’ll identify transformative international climate, migration, trade and finance policies, winnable narratives and allied constituencies.
Reclaiming Internationalism: Building a World for the Many
6-8pm – Revolution Brighton
Join our drinks reception to celebrate histories of resistance – from the fight against slavery, to 20th century anti-colonial struggles, to the present day. This event will ask how can we build on this legacy of international solidarity to forge a new internationalism for the 21st century? With Maya Goodfellow, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Kenyan activist Firoze Manji and more.