Free Movement for People NOT Free Movement for Weapons

Free Movement for People NOT Free Movement for Weapons


When: September 11, 2015

Join us for a workshop at 11:30 AM and discussion followed by a creative action as part of the week-long Stop the Arms Fair campaign outside the Excel centre, East London. 


  • Rita Chadha (Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London) about the refugee detention regime in the UK
  • Alex Scrivener (Global Justice Now) on the global inequalities that are part of the cause of migration and refugee flows 
  • Speakers with personal experience of the asylum process in the UK (names tbc)
  • More tbc 

After the workshop take part in a creative action to highlight the injustice in allowing free movement of weapons while prohibiting the free movement of people. (We recommend you bring a dark blazer and some shades or other ‘formal’ looking attire if you want to get involved in the event)