Events at COP21 on 10 December

Events at COP21 on 10 December


When: December 10, 2015

The UN climate negotiations will happen in Paris in November and early December, and show no sign of being less dominated by corporate interests than the last ones.

However, a big coalition of French organisations is mobilising to challenge the corporate agenda and use the moment to build a stronger climate justice movement. 

They have called for a mass protest in Paris at the end of the talks, on 12 December, and there will be lots of other things going on in the two weeks prior to this.

Capitalism vs. the Climate

Naomi Klein and other speakers on how trade agreements are undermining climate action

Global Justice Now will be attending


Migrant voices in the struggles against climate change

La via Campesina Conference

Global Justice Now will be present

Le Bourget inside UNFCCC conference centre, Génération climat Centre, Salle 6

17:45 – 19:15