Europe for the many

Europe for the many


When: October 26, 2018

A left strategy for transforming Europe

26-27 October, London School of Economics

Europe for the Many will bring together progressives from across the continent for two days of discussion, reflection and action planning.

It is a time of great urgency for the future of progressive forces on the continent. Peace and democracy in Europe are today under huge challenge by the rise of the far right. With some exceptions the left has not been the ‘go-to pole’ of the political system blown apart by the fallout from the global financial crisis.

Today we are paying the price for the failure of previous reform efforts; of not being bold and visionary enough. This can’t go on. Europe needs a new agenda for transformative social change.

To aid in these efforts Europe for the Many will provide an opportunity for civil society movements and politicians to enter into dialogue and discussion on what our next steps will be. How do we go beyond the dichotomy of status quo Europe versus no Europe? What transformative possibilities are opening up? And how can the growing threat from far right nationalist forces be effectively challenged?

Speakers include:

  • Antonio Costa, Portuguese prime minister
  • Euclid Tsakalotos, Greek finance minister
  • Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP
  • Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now
  • Ash Sarkar, Novara Media
  • Zoe Williams, Guardian journalist
  • Asad Rehman, War on Want
  • Ann Pettifor, Economist
  • Laura Parker, Momentum
  • Shaista Aziz, Stop Trump Coalition
  • Mary Kaldor, LSE Professor of Global Governance
  • Marina Prentoulis, UEA, Syriza

Organised by the LSE Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit
Supported by Another Europe is Possible

More information and booking at