Drop Debt, Save Lives: Virtual MP lobby

Drop Debt, Save Lives: Virtual MP lobby


When: September 28, 2020

Between 28 September and 14 October we’re taking part in a virtual lobby of MPs on coronavirus and debt in the global south.

Global Justice Now supporters will be joining with other constituents to set up virtual meetings with their MPs in this period.

We want to show the breadth of support for debt cancellation around the country and ask them to contact the Chancellor Rishi Sunak ahead of crucial G20, IMF and World Bank meetings from 12-18 October.

Register to take part

You can register for more information, and to be connected with any others in your constituency, here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drop-debt-save-lives-virtual-lobby-tickets-120068667617


Resources including an MP lobbying guide and a briefing to give to MPs will be available here as soon as possible.

For any questions, contact Jonathan Stevenson, [email protected]