Common Dreams: Shalmali Guttal on trade deals, the climate emergency and reclaiming the global commons
When: March 10, 2020
Where: Room 301, McCance Building, Strathclyde University, 16 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ
When: Wednesday 1 April, 6:30-8PM
Shalmali Guttal is Executive Director of the activist think tank Focus on the Global South. She has worked across Asia with civil society groups and social movements, championing people’s right to land and resources and critiquing the current global economic development model and its impact on the global south.
2020 is a vital year to make change as we work together to prevent a toxic trade deal with Trump, and organize for the UN climate summit in Glasgow. What can we learn from activist movements in the global south? How can we support their resistance to the looming threat of trade and investment deals? How is climate justice threatened by the corporate agenda? And can the idea of the global commons help us tackle and find alternatives to neo-liberalism?
Join us at Strathclyde University on 1 April and find out the answers to these questions and more.
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