Chlorinated chicken bloc at Stop Trump demo
When: June 4, 2019
On 4 June, Global Justice Now will be part of the carnival of resistance to Donald Trump’s official state visit to the UK.
Trump wants to force an ‘America first’ trade deal on the UK to line the pockets of US multinationals. This would lower food standards, threatening to bring chlorine-washed chicken on to our shop shelves, raising serious public health concerns.
But the fowl play doesn’t end there. Trump’s deal also risks furthering privatisation within our NHS and blocking progress on climate change. It’s a deal designed to take control away from ordinary people and hand it over to US corporations.
So on 4 June the chickens are fighting back… to run Trump’s toxic trade deal out of town! To say no to dangerous chlorine washing. To say no to toxic trade deals. And to say no to Trump’s politics of hate and the rise of the far right across the world.
Join us on the chlorinated chicken bloc to tell Trump that his divisive politics of hate is not welcome in the UK. And nor is his toxic trade deal.
We’re meeying and 11am and will be announcing the gathering point soon
Wear something yellow