Building a better society

Building a better society


When: March 17, 2016

Building a Better Society is a free public meeting, debate and discussion about democracy, the environment, equality and justice.  It’s organised by Women’s Anti-Austerity Action Group in the Howe, Fife.  Cat Boyd of Global Justice Now in Scotland will be speaking, along with Robin McAlpine of Common Weal.




Where: Strathmiglo Public Hall, Strathmiglo, KY14 7QL. 

When: doors open at 6.00pm, for a ‘conversation café’ when tea,coffee and snacks will be available, and the meeting starts at 7pm. 

Speakers’ details:

Cat Boyd has been a trade union activist for several years, and has recently joined the staff of Global Justice Now. Global Justice Now is a democratic, social justice organisation, part of a global movement working together in solidarity to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. Cat is an advocate of social justice and internationalism, and protests vociferously against austerity. She’s also standing as a candidate for RISE on the Glasgow Regional List in the Scottish Parliament elections in May.

Robin McAlpine is Director of Common Weal, a Scottish ‘think and do tank’ which campaigns for social and economic equality, participative democracy, environmental sustainability, wellbeing, quality of life, peace, justice and cooperation. He has worked for over 20 years in journalism, public affairs, political strategy and policy. He writes for a wide range of sources on Scottish politics.

Carolyn Currie, who will chair the meeting, is Chief Operating Officer of Women’s Enterprise Scotland.