Bid Fareweel Tae Fossil Fuels: A webinar about the fossil fuel treaty

Bid Fareweel Tae Fossil Fuels: A webinar about the fossil fuel treaty


When: 7:30 pm, July 6, 2023 to 9:00 pm, July 6, 2023
Where: online
Campaigns: Climate

A webinar for Scottish supporters

Despite the climate emergency new coal, oil and gas projects are still being given the green light by the UK and other governments, and in a cost of living crisis fossil fuel companies such as Shell and BP are reporting sky-high profits.

Fossil fuel companies are spending billions lobbying governments and the UN: it is not likely they will willingly plan for their own demise. Something has to change.

It’s time to end the fossil fuel era and take away the power of the fossil fuel corporations. That’s why we are joining the call for an international treaty for a managed, just and fair phase out of fossil fuel extraction.

We are part of a global coalition, backed by parliamentarians, endorsed by cities and towns around the world, and led by a block of Pacific islands nations. Together, we are calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

We want the Scottish government to endorse the treaty.

Join this interactive webinar to find out more about the fossil fuel treaty, how it came about and what’s happening in the international campaign. Join the discussion about how you can get involved in winning the campaign here in Scotland by lobbying your MSPs and persuading your local council to endorse the proposal.


Tunaimati’a Jacob Netzler is the Pacific campaigner for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative. A bloc of Pacific nations are leading the call for this treaty, and Jacob has led a lot of work building political support across the Pacific over the past six months.

Nathan Taft is a campaigner at Stand.Earth. He is involved in campaigning for California to become the first subnational government to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and will talk about how their campaign developed.

Martha Myers (to be confirmed) works for Corporate Europe Observatory and used to work for Friends of the Earth Europe. She will talk about the lobbying power of the fossil fuel industry and how it is limiting action on climate change.

Chaired by Liz Murray, Global Justice Now Scotland

Please register your interest on eventbrite to get the zoom link