Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting


When: September 5, 2020

5 September, 11am

Due to the situation with the coronavirus, this year’s AGM will take place online, using the videoconferencing platform Zoom. Members are warmly invited to join us by registering in advance (by 2 September) via the link below.


Further information about the AGM, including papers, resolutions and details about proxy voting can be found on the main AGM page.

AGM agenda

1. Director’s report on the organisation’s activities over the preceding year.
2. Adoption of the minutes of the 2019 AGM and matters arising.
3. Resolutions (see full details via the main AGM page):
    a. To ratify the decisions of council to co-opt three new members.
    b. To approve increases in membership rates
    c. To amend the Rules of Global Justice Now to change the method of election of members to council.
    d. Special Resolution: To reduce the minimum number of council members from 10 to 9
4. Treasurer’s report.
5. Adoption of annual report and accounts.
6. Appointment of auditors.