Annual General Meeting 2021
When: 11:00 am, June 5, 2021
Campaigns: General
Members of Global Justice Now are invited to join our Annual General Meeting at 11am on Saturday 5 June.
As in 2020, the meeting will be held using online video conferencing, although it will also be possible to join by phone.
Draft agenda
- Announcement of council election results
- Director’s report
- Approval of 2020 minutes and matters arising
- Discussion and vote on the climate emergency resolution and proposed amendment
- Election of members to the Standards Committee (see below)
- Treasurer’s report
- Approval of annual accounts
- Appointment of the auditors
Followed by a discussion on the development of our next three-year strategy.
In order to attend the AGM, you will need to register by Wednesday 2 June at the latest. If you have any problems using the form linked to below, you can call us on 020 7820 4900 between 9.30am and 1.30pm Monday-Thursday.
Registration has now closed
The 2021 AGM marks the end of the term of our current council, so elections for the next council will take place in the months running up to it. See elections page for more information.
Proxy voting
Members and local groups not able to attend the AGM in person are entitled to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. Please use the same form as that used for registering – link above.
Members and local groups are entitled to submit resolutions to the AGM. One resolution on the climate emergency was received before the deadline, and is included in the draft Agenda.
Emergency resolutions can still be submitted up until 48 hours before the event, but must relate to events taking place after the deadline for ordinary motions (6 May.) Send them to Nick Dearden, by post at Global Justice Now, 66 Offley Road, London SW9 0LS or (preferably) by email: [email protected]. You are also encouraged to contact Nick for guidance in advance if you are considering submitting a motion. Resolutions must be proposed by five individual members; or by a local group and seconded by either another local group, or two individual members who are not part of the proposing group (see Rules document).
Standards Committee
The Standards Committee sets and regulates standards of conduct expected of the organisation’s members and council, and has the power to arbitrate on disputes and complaints. It is appointed on a three year basis for the same term as the council. It meets only when needed, which in recent years has been rarely. Three of its members are elected by the AGM, of which one must also be a member of a local group. Nominations will be taken verbally during this item in the agenda.