Five reasons to add Demand the Impossible to your summer plans this year
By: Ed Lewis
Date: 23 June 2017
Demand the Impossible is holding a FREE summer school on politics and activism in Manchester 24-28 July 2017 for 16-25 year olds.
The world is in crisis. Eight men own as much wealth as half the world’s population. Racists and fanatics are on the rise from the US and Europe to Russia, Syria and Turkey.
Yet, there is resistance. Millions of people have rejected the status quo – as seen in the rise of politicians like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders. The Black Lives Matter movement has been challenging police brutality and racism. There has been mass opposition to austerity in the UK and across Europe.
If you want to understand what’s happening better, and explore how we can change things, Demand the Impossible is for you.
Apply now!
Still not convinced? Here are five reasons why you should apply.
1.You’re angry about injustice and what to do something about it
In the UK today, young people face job insecurity, spiralling education costs and a deteriorating welfare state. They’ve been sidelined for years but the recent general election shows that they won’t be ignored any longer.
Demand the Impossible is about empowering young people to learn about the causes of injustice and empowers them to stand up for their interests.
2. Knowledge is power
What are the underlying causes of the huge social and economic problems we face?
How could society be different? What can I do to make that difference? We’ll be exploring these questions together.
From Brexit and Trump to the roots of the housing crisis, to terrorism and Islamophobia, we’ll be exploring a huge range of issues. You’ll have a chance to explore issues in depth with some of the most exciting and dynamic writers, activists and campaigners in the UK – and explore how we can make change.
3. Meet great new people
One of the best things about Demand the Impossible is being part of a group of like-minded and inspiring young people from varied backgrounds. Our sessions are interactive so you’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other and learn from each other during the week. Demand the Impossible is a community – many previous participants have made powerful friendships on the course and gone on to get involved in all kinds of activism and campaigning together.
4. Plan your own campaigns
Toward the end of the course you’ll put your ideas into practice by planning and carrying out a campaign on an issue of your choice. On previous courses, participants have organised theatrical protests against gentrification, demonstrations against austerity and visual displays challenging sexism and rape culture.
5. Build your skills and confidence
Don’t fret if you’ve not had any experience of activism before – that’s exactly why Demand the Impossible exists, and many participants will be in the same boat. Throughout the course, activists and campaigners with different skills and experiences will be around to share their ideas, give advice and help you plan your campaign. As a follow-up event, there will be some skills training in the Autumn.
Here’s what one former participant had to say about doing Demand the Impossible:
“The experience has been a life-changing journey into activism for me. I went from being passive to very active in politics, organising and taking part in demonstrations. It has been a surreal and amazing year”
– Hidigo, participant on Demand the Impossible 2016/17
Application deadline is midnight 29 June 2017.