The future of our trade campaign: your thoughts

The future of our trade campaign: your thoughts


By: Malise Rosbech
Date: 23 September 2016
Campaigns: Trade

kahraThe recent months have been somewhat of a rollercoaster for our trade campaign. Needless to say that with the likely failure of TTIP* and the ever more pressing threat of CETA**, our staff, activists, members and supporters have been very busy.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the results of our latest online supporter survey have been very useful in planning the future of the trade campaign. A total of 1,766 of you took the time to fill in the survey online and give us your thoughts – thank you.

As always, we want to make sure that we keep you – our members and supporters – up to date with campaign news and our online actions. The majority of you said that you already know a fair amount about the toxic trade deals, TTIP and CETA, but that you’d like to know more about the ratification process and the increase in corporate power these trade deals would allow.

We’ve taken this feedback on board and recently we launched our corporate campaign calling for big business to account for exploiting ordinary people and destroying the environment by through, for example, trade deals like CETA and TTIP.

CETA campaign materials

We’ve put together a CETA campaign pack which includes a briefing that gives you a good overview of the problems with CETA, 5 “If you loved TTIP, you’ll love CETA” posters, 5 postcards for people to tell their MEPs to reject CETA. You can order yours directly from our website, where you can also find the online version of the briefing.

We also launched a briefing on TISA – the Trade in Services Agreement between the EU and the US, explaining the issues with this lesser known deal.

Emails were the clear first choice for how you’d like to stay updated on the campaign. But lots of supporters also showed an interest in taking part in street protests with Global Justice Now or running one of our stalls at a festival or another event.

If you’re interested in joining one of our groups in your local area or would like to hear more about out activism work in general, you’re always welcome to send an email to [email protected] or having a look online at how you can get more involved in our work.

Again, thank you to all of you who took the time and the effort to fill in the survey – we really appreciate your feedback. And I hope I have managed to show you just some of the ways you have now helped us improve our campaign for a fairer trade system.


*The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

**The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement