Ninety-Nine: The verdict is in

Ninety-Nine: The verdict is in


By: Malise Rosbech
Date: 28 April 2016

Ninety-Nine: The verdict is in

The results from our supporter survey about our magazine, Ninety-Nine.

We recently asked you what you think of Ninety-Nine. We did this for one simple reason:  it’s your magazine. By listening to your feedback, we can improve the magazine and adapt it to what you’d like it to be.

More than 400 of our members and supporters took the time to fill out and return our survey. And I’d like to say thank you to each and every one and share some of our insigthful findings with you .

It’s good news. You’re keen readers of Ninety-Nine.

Of those who replied, a massive 62% of you read every issue of Ninety-Nine and one third read it often or occasionally. Out of these commmited readers, almost half read it cover-to-cover, while 41% choose to read a few key articles.

When we asked if you like the new design of the magazine, over 70% of you said that you do. Only 1% said they don’t and the rest have no strong opinion about the design.

Most of you also agree on what you like about the magazine.

In fact, the results were very clear. The three things you like the most about Ninety-Nine are:

  • Updates on Global Justice Now campaigns
  • Global News
  • Feature articles

The majority of you prioritised these three in that order too.  160 of you agreed that updates about our campaigns are the most important thing to cover in Ninety-Nine. Those of you who voted for global news in your top three favourite items agree that it is the second most important thing.

We were also very pleased to hear that more than 70% of you agree that the language and content of the magazine was easy to understand.

But you also gave us a really good idea of what we can improve on…

When asked what you don’t like so much about Ninety-Nine, a clear majority of 68% said that they didn’t have any specific suggestions as to what we could improve on or didn’t think we should change anything at all.

But for people who thought there could be improvements, there were a few common trends. Some of you pointed out that the use of white writing on a coloured background is hard to read. And some supporters also mentioned that the articles are a bit too long and could have more counterargmuments. Others were slightly worried about the cost of the magazine and suggested sending it by email.

…And what you’d like to see more of.

We also asked you about what you think the purpose of the magazine should be. Most of you said that providing readers with an analysis of political developments and social justice issues was the most important thing. And although a lot of you thought that there was enough political analysis in Ninety-Nine, there was also a strong sense that some of our members and supproters wanted more of this.

Hearing from grassroot campaigners and other social justice organistions around the world was also something you thought should be prioritised.

We learnt a lot. Thanks to all our members and supporters. 

All in all, we learnt so much from what you told us in the survey and it’s simply not possible to include it all in a blog post. But I hope that I have given you a flavour of just how useful the information is to understand how we can improve your magazine. We’ll do our best to incorporate your suggestions. Once again, thank you to everyone who responded

Last but not least, congratulations to the lucky winner of the Faritrade chocolates.