Annual General Meeting 2019

Annual General Meeting 2019

Members of Global Justice Now are warmly invited to participate in our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Saturday 8 June
Birmingham and Midland Institute, 9 Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BS

The AGM will take place as part of an all-day Global Justice Now national gathering, starting at 10am. This will feature external speakers and an opportunity to discuss our campaigns. Further details will be available closer to the time.

Proxy voting

Members not able to attend the AGM in person are entitled to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf, using our online form. The deadline for appointing a proxy is Wednesday 5 June.


Members and local groups are entitled to submit motions to the AGM. However, the deadline for submitting motions is now passed. Emergency resolutions can still be submitted up until 48 hours before the event, but must relate to events taking place after the deadline for ordinary motions (20 April). Contact [email protected] should you wish to submit such a motion.

Draft agenda

1. Welcome by the chair.
2. Director’s report.
3. Adoption of the minutes of the 2018 AGM and matters arising.
4. Discussion and vote on the climate justice motion.
5. Treasurer’s report.
6. Adoption of annual report and accounts.
7. Appointment of auditors.

The annual audited accounts will be posted here early in June.

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