Annual general meeting 2018
Saturday 16 June
Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET
The AGM will take place as part of an all-day Global Justice Now national gathering, starting at 11am (registration from 10.30am). This will feature external speakers and an opportunity to discuss with each other our work in the year ahead. Further details of this event will be available closer to the time.
Draft AGM agenda
- Welcome by the chair.
- Director’s report.
- Results of the 2018 council elections.
- Adoption of the minutes of the 2017 AGM and matters arising.
- Update from the national secretary on the definition of membership (Note: No policy motions were proposed this year)
- Treasurer’s report.
- Adoption of annual report and accounts (see files at bottom of page).
- Appointment of auditors.
- Appointment of the standards committee.
AGM papers will be available from this page by late May.
Proxy voting
The deadline to appoint a proxy to vote for you at the AGM is now passed.
Members and local groups are entitled to submit motions to the AGM. Motions could relate to Global Justice Now’s position on external world events, or on internal matters. If you would like to submit a policy motion, it will need to be:
- Proposed by five individual members
- Or, proposed by a local group and seconded by another
- Or, proposed by a local group and seconded by two individual members who are not part of the proposing group
The deadline for ordinary motions to be submitted is 27 April. Send them to James O’Nions, by post at 66 Offley Road, London SW9 0LS or by email: [email protected]
You are also encouraged to contact James for guidance in advance if you are considering submitting a motion, either by email or by phone on 020 7820 4900.