Our 2022 annual general meeting
Members of Global Justice Now are warmly invited to participate in our AGM, the details of which are as follows:
Saturday 9 July, 11am
Owen Lecture Theatre, Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield S1 1WB
After the AGM some lunch will be provided, followed by a national gathering which will be open to anyone interested in being involved in our campaigning. Please book a +AGM ticket if you wish to attend the AGM.
Draft AGM agenda
- Director’s report.
- Adoption of the 2021 AGM minutes and matters arising.
- Any policy motions proposed by members.
- Treasurer’s report.
- Adoption of annual report and accounts.
- Appointment of auditors.
- Presentation of the organisational strategy 2022-2027.
The annual accounts will be available from this page nearer to the time.
Proxy voting
If you are not able to attend in person, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. The deadline for this is Wednesday 6 July.
Members and local groups are entitled to submit resolutions for consideration by the AGM. The deadline for this was 9 June. No resolutions were submitted this year.
Download: Minutes of the 2021 AGM
Download: Global Justice Now strategy 2022-2027
Download: Global Justice Now Rules